Lots going on these days. Some highlights:
- Amy and I are trying to buy a house. I've come to realize that this process sucks about as bad a thing can suck.
- I finally turned in the big box o' tenure to my department's personnel committee today. So that's happening. I'll let you all know the result when I do. But it probably won't be till June.
- I took my Macbook Air to the Apple Store today. Have I mentioned that their customer service is great!?! Unfortunately, they're holding it hostage for a few days to run some tests. But hopefully when it comes back to me it will run like it was brand spanking new.
- And, last but by no means least, we're expecting another Baby. Details to be announced, probably some time in December.
My, all of this going on, plus trips to Ireland and Israel over the summer, plus advising and teaching. No wonder I needed to go on hiatus.
Wow! All very exciting. Question re: Baby. Details to be announced "probably some time in December"? Or Baby to arrive then? (If the latter, well done on keeping mum.)
Peace to you in the home buying process. We joined the landed gentry this past summer. The process was painful, but I think the identity crisis I went through as a socialist property owner was even more so. Still the process sucks, so peace to you.
Posted by: Rachel Rev | October 06, 2009 at 06:54 PM
Congratulations! You didn't say anything on Monday night about a new baby! I LOVE babies! Congratulations. You definitely deserve a hiatus.
Posted by: Rebecca | October 07, 2009 at 07:37 AM