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February 12, 2009



It was probably no coincidence that in the C of I student union today there was a lonely looking student manning an 'Intelligent Design Club' recruitment table. He wanted me to sign an 'academic freedom' petition but it ended up with me having to explain what 'codswallop' meant to him.


Evolution- Biology- Rate of Change

There are moments throughout time where evolution pushes forward and different species are capable of evolving at a faster rate than usual. However, this accelerated rate of change takes anywhere from 10,000 years to a million years to occur. With the acceleration of technology in the past 50 years it may become impossible for human evolution to keep up with the pace of technology. What do we do when evolution can't keep up with the rate of change in technology that humans are now forced to confront?

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Scott Paeth teaches Religious Studies at DePaul University