For all the crap I've given the McCain campaign and it's supporters, I think it's worthwhile to point out some of the good as well:
Good for these folks! I wish there were more of them at McCain's and Palin's rallies. May their number increase.
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You know, it's a fair sign that someone is a coward and knows that their views are wrong when they're too scared to give their name. Even during the worst of times during the Civil Rights movement, people were still proud to give their name and put a face to their actions, the only ones working in secret generally had hoods on.
Fortunately, knock on wood, when this is all done we'll have Obama as President of the United States and McCain back as a senator. I would have been more torn this election if this would have been the McCain from 1999, but he's not. I will, however, give his campaign folks kudos for driving those idiots off, as Freedom of Speech doesn't equate to people having to listen to you.
Thanks for sharing, Scott.
Posted by: Robert N. Emerson | October 22, 2008 at 03:25 PM