Michael Bérubé, blogging at TPM, points out Barack Obama's failure to adhere to proper liturgical form in last nights debate in response to Tim Russert's vacuous "Lewis Farrakahn" question:
There is, in fact, a proper form for denouncing and rejecting Farrakhan; it is called renouncing Farrakhan. Impartial moderator Tim Russert was quite right to press Obama on this, and Hillary Clinton was quite right to suggest that Obama didn't execute his part properly tonight. For the record, this is how it's done:
Famously tough but fair questioner: Abrenuntiatis farrakhanae? [Do you renounce Farrakhan?]
Liberal black officeseeker: Abrenuntio.
Famously tough but fair questioner: Et omnibus operibus eius? [And all his works?]
Liberal black officeseeker: Abrenuntio.
Famously tough but fair questioner: Et omnibus pompis eius? [And all his pomps?]
Liberal black officeseeker: Abrenuntio.
Michael is quite correct that Obama's lapse on this score is disconcerting, although I should point out that, since the reforms of Washington II, it is now permissible to perform the liturgy in the vernacular though some of course consider this unforgivably laxist.
Michael also points out in comments the distinction between the liturgical requirements leveled against Obama and Clinton:
as Hillary didn't take the title of her book, It Takes A Village, from a sermon by your third cousin who went with Farrakhan to meet with Qaddafi, I think she's in the clear. Because it's the taking the title of your book from a sermon by someone who went with Farrakhan to meet with Qaddafi that really suggests you need to reassure Jewish voters about your beliefs.