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November 29, 2007


Bob Cornwall


You would think this would have gone away by now, but the nuts are still out there and seem to have the attention of the WaPo. Amazing.


I wouldn't be so quick to discount the story. Recently I visited with some relatives, and I'm not talking about stupid people, who were convinced that not only was Obama a Muslim, but that he also was trying to hide that fact.

For those of us who keep track of politics, the allegation is absurd. But for the average person out there, especially at this stage of the campaign, these rumors can mean something.

I thought the WaPo story repeated the rumor too many times and too many ways. But I also think it's legitimate news that there seem to be plenty of people out there who believe such tripe.


And perhaps you noticed that Pat Robertson defended his support for Giuliani because of what he called Rudy's commitment to save us from the "bloodlust of Islamic terrorists"? It seems the war on terror has really stretched the hearts and minds of the evangelical church and, sadly, we've failed the test thus far. Concerning our nation as a whole, I'm surprised that we would even be so scandalized if Obama really were a Muslim, as if the job of leading a religiously diverse nation should only fall into the hands of white Protestant Christians.

Ellison's move to swear in on Jefferson's copy of the Qu'ran, btw, was a stroke of genius. I think he would have made the founding father proud.

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Scott Paeth teaches Religious Studies at DePaul University