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September 12, 2006


Frank Emanuel

Because of the segment of the body I occupy (the middle ground between the conservative evangelicals and the pentecostal/charismatics) I run into so many casualties of the prosperity heresies. In fact I was giving a drive to a victim of this bs just yesterday. He was completely unwilling to live in or face reality instead wanting only to positively confess and believe God while at the same time rejecting legitimate medical advice from his doctors. Is it any wonder he continues to suffer chronic pain? It is sad that this kind of stuff is still alive and well in the church.


"This is a truly mind-boggling perversion of the message of the Gospel, and in fact turns the entire notion of Christian love on its head. Whereas Augustine said that the essence of sin was the human person turned in upon him or herself, Osteen's version of Christianity is all about turning inward on ourselves."

Last time I checked, the writings of Augustine were not part of the Gospels. So, if you want to show "a truly mind-boggling perversion of the message of the Gospel," you may want to go to Gospel texts.

Actually, the Time article quotes biblical texts (Gospel texts among them) on this subject (pp.52-53). While some of them appear to contradict Osteen's message, others seem to support it. So, the Gospel message on this issue seems sort of mixed.

"Because of the segment of the body I occupy (the middle ground between the conservative evangelicals and the pentecostal/charismatics) I run into so many casualties of the prosperity heresies. In fact I was giving a drive to a victim of this bs just yesterday. He was completely unwilling to live in or face reality instead wanting only to positively confess and believe God while at the same time rejecting legitimate medical advice from his doctors. Is it any wonder he continues to suffer chronic pain? It is sad that this kind of stuff is still alive and well in the church."

I agree that this guy should heed medical advise. I just do not see what his rejection to follow medical advise has to do with either Osteen or Prosperity Gospel.

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Scott Paeth teaches Religious Studies at DePaul University